fruits et légumes expertise conditionnement emballage packaging MG-Tech

Packaging machines for fruits and vegetables

Raw, cooked, mashed, in juice or in soup, we buy them and eat them in different forms. Their packaging has a strong environmental dimension which came true with the adoption of the bill on the fight against food waste and the circular economy on January 30, 2020. By 2022, lots of fruit and vegetables weighing less than 1.5 kg can no longer be sold in France in packaging made entirely or partly of plastic. 

“As of January 1, 2022, any retail business exhibiting for sale unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables is required to exhibit them without packaging made entirely or partly of plastic. This obligation does not apply to fruits and vegetables packaged in batches of 1.5 kilograms or more, as well as to fruits and vegetables presenting a risk of deterioration when sold in bulk, the list of which is fixed by decree. "